March 10, 2009, 8:38 pm
Filed under: enemies, friends, relationships, Uncategorized | Tags: ,

Have you ever heard of the term frienemy?

According to the Urban Dictionary, a Frienemy is a “toxic” person who poses as a friend but subconsciously or consciously wishes you harm. I’m sure that most of us have this type of person in our lives, but are often unaware of it. Here are some signs of a frienemy:

  1. When they call you, it’s only to talk about themselves or their problems
  2. When you talk to them about a problem, they always find a way to focus your situation on them
  3. When something good happens to you and you tell your supposed friend, they seem less then excited for you
  4. Anything positive that happens to you, they try their best to show you the negative side
  5. If you’re in a relationship and you go to that friend for advice, they will immediately advise you to break up with the person to ensure you’re unhappy.
  6. They will always advise you to wear less flattering clothes then themselves, for bogus reasons.
  7. They will never put you on to good opportunities that they have come across, yet they will be sure to flaunt it in your face.
  8. They always seem bored with things going on in your life, unless it’s about drama or heartache

Does any of these characteristics sound familiar?

Have you noticed them in a friend or even in yourself?

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